Tune into YouTube each week to #CatchupWithHunt as Superintendent Dr. Brad Hunt shares stories from our district. This week, you can catch up with Dr. Hunt as he, CISD Board President David Caviness, CISD Trustees and Cabinet members deliver lunches to Mockingbird and Pinkerton Elementary and other campuses on the first day of school. #CISDMissionPossible

What an amazing morning in CISD. The birds were chirping, kids were smiling and the teacher were ready! #CISD1stDay23 #CISDMissionPossible

Welcome Back! Here is a quick update from our Superintendent, Dr. Brad Hunt, to kick off the new school year. #CISD1stDay23 #CISDMissionPossible

Share your First Day of School Photos with CISD with the hashtags #CISD1stDay23 or #CISDMissionPossible. CISD will be on the lookout for these photos for compilation slideshows that we will share with our community to commemorate the first day of school on Tuesday, Aug. 15.

About 220 new teachers and staff were welcomed to the Coppell ISD family on Aug. 3 during the New Hire Expo and Breakfast sponsored by the Coppell Chamber of Commerce and CISD. #CISDMissionPossible

Summer Hours - Campus is closed June 16 - July 17. Campus is also closed on Fridays in June and July.

SAVE THE DATE - Meet the Teacher Night is scheduled for Thursday, August 10 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

CISD will offer a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) curriculum at all of its elementary schools starting in the 2023-2024 school year. CISD will hire a full-time STEAM educator for each of its 11 elementary schools for the 2023-2024 school year. The STEAM program — including coding, robotics and the engineering design process — will be provided to students at all elementary schools as part of the weekly “specials” class rotation, in addition to music, art and physical education. Read more at go.coppellisd.com/STEAM.