Great Expectations
As a Great Expectations (GE) school, we are "Transforming Lives Through Education."
Great Expectations is founded on the beliefs that “education is the key to solving the problems of our society, educators want to become more skilled in their quest to euducate students, and students want to learn. The founders of GE believe, while there is ample talk of educational reform, not enough is being done to positively affect student achievement (Great Expectations Organization).”
8 Expectations
Eight Expectations for Living
• We will value one another as unique and special individuals.
• We will not laugh at or make fun of a person's mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns.
• We will use good manners, saying "please," "thank you," and "excuse me" and allow others to go first.
• We will cheer each other to success.
• We will help one another whenever possible.
• We will recognize every effort and applaud it.
• We will encourage each other to do our best.
• We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles.
Ocho Expectativas para Vivir
• Nos valoraremos unos a otros como individuos únicos y especiales.
• No nos burlaremos de los errores de otras personas ni usaremos sarcasmo o humillación.
• Usaremos buenos modales diciendo "por favor," "gracias," y "con permiso" y dejaremos a otros pasar primero.
• Nos animaremos uno al otro ala triunfar.
• Nos ayudaremos mutuamente siempre que sea posible.
• Reconoceremos cada esfuerzo y lo aplaudiremos.
• We will encourage each other to do our best.
• We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles.