About CISD
Staff Directory
In Coppell ISD, our goal is to support the whole child, including academic, social emotional and behavioral needs.
Support of social emotional learning helps develop the skills necessary for student academic success. Skill-building lessons focus on five areas: helping students gain the ability to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
The CISD District Improvement Plan (DIP) also aligns the specific goals/objectives/strategies related to social emotional learning, counseling and mental health supports:
CISD will implement training and strategies aligned to social emotional learning for our students and staff in order to create and sustain a safe, inclusive and responsive environment for all.
CISD will revise and update current PK-12 curriculum documents and purchase any needed resources to include learning supports for social emotional learning and character education including the following character traits per the Texas Education Agency and Senate Bill 11:
Trustworthiness, including honesty, reliability, punctuality, and loyalty
Respect and courtesy
Responsibility, including accountability, diligence, perseverance, and self-control
Fairness, including justice and freedom from prejudice
Caring, including kindness, empathy, compassion, consideration, patience, generosity, and charity
Good citizenship, including patriotism, concern for the common good and the community, and respect for authority and the law
School pride
CISD will continue to review current and create new curriculum documents, training and implement specific programs to provide needed support/resources for counseling and social emotional learning.
CISD will learn, engage, and work in a safe, inclusive and responsive environment
Update health curriculum supports for implementation of new health TEKS and specific requirements set by the state for selection and training (mental health conditions, substance abuse, skills to manage emotions, establishing and maintaining positive relationships, and responsible decision making; as well as suicide prevention, including recognizing suicide related risk factors and warning signs) (including human sexuality, child abuse, family violence, dating violence and sex trafficking and specific opt-in procedures for this content)
CISD will align implementation of social emotional support structures through class meetings, check-ins and restorative practices.
Create an aligned comprehensive counseling program that includes support for elementary and secondary campuses. (TEA Model - Guidance curriculum, Responsive Services, Individual Planning, and System Support)
Continue providing training to align practices and review and analyze discipline, behavior, bullying and threat assessment data to look at equitable practices and interventions/supports for learners.
Continue our focus on social emotional learning/well-being for staff and host training for staff and families around the topics of social emotional learning, counseling and mental health.
*CISD will continue to follow the Texas Education Agency guidelines and expectations for implementation of character trait education, anti-bullying and cyberbullying measures and awareness, and specific training for staff in these areas.